Posts tagged with 'active transport'
The Raahgiri movement is bringing car-free Sundays to cities across India, spreading the principles of sustainable, active transport. Photo by Shamim Khan/Facebook.
In photos: Bhopal becomes India’s fifth city to join the car-free Raahgiri movement
On September 21, 2014, Bhopal became the fifth city in India to implement the weekly open streets movement, Raahgiri Day. Organized by the Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC), Traffic Police, and Bhopal City Link Ltd. (BCLL) in collaboration with EMBARQ India, ...
Employers play an important role in creating the incentives and infrastructure to encourage employees to use sustainable transport. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Seven ways to encourage sustainable commuting in your workplace
Car-oriented cities have a number of costs for citizens’ health and well-being. Up to 75% of urban air pollution is caused by motor vehicle fuel combustion, and in 2012, 3.7 million premature deaths were linked to outdoor air pollution. Numerous studies have ...
By supporting active transport, planners can limit road crashes and help people to incorporate healthy physical activity into their commute. Photo by Shreyans Bhansali/Flickr.
By the numbers: Sustainable mobility improves health and road safety
Claudia Adriazola, Health and Road Safety Director for EMBARQ – producer of TheCityFix – spoke with David Thorpe of the Sustainable Cities Collective about challenges, trends and best practices in sustainable transport and road safety. Among other topics, Adriazola and ...
Ljubljana recently won the European Green Capital 2016 Award based on its comprehensive approach to sustainable development, which has transformed urban life in the past decade while minimizing the city's environmental impact. Photo by Rhobinn/Flickr.
Sustainable development and integrated planning mark Europe’s new green capital
Ljubljana, Slovenia has won the 2016 European Green Capital Award, given annually by the European Commission to cities that set an example of sustainable urban development best practices. With an ambitious sustainability plan and that has led to significant improvements in the ...
Do you enjoy your commute? Innovative bike infrastructure can make cycling a fast, fun transport option. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Cycling innovations make bikeable cities worldwide
Instead of sitting in gridlock on a busy road at 8:30 am, imagine cycling safely in dedicated lanes for a quick, pleasant commute. Many cities around the world are making investments that will give residents a faster, safer cycling experience ...
Madeline Brozen, 2014 Lee Schipper Scholar. Photo via Madeline Brozen.
Who are our streets for?: A Q&A with 2014 Lee Schipper Scholar Madeline Brozen
Madeline Brozen is a Program Manager within UCLA’s Complete Streets Initiative and a recipient of the 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship. Her research focuses on urban design policy, with an emphasis on how cities can shift from car-oriented streets to ...
By prioritizing sustainable transport solutions, Beijing can shift away from car culture and improve quality of life for its rapidly growing population. Photo by Philip/Flickr.
The making of a livable city: Inspiration for a sustainable, healthy Beijing
Each year, 440,000 people move to Beijing in search of economic opportunity and better lives. Their rural to urban migration is a driver of economic growth, part of a larger plan to catalyze economic development through urbanization across China. However, ...
Mexico City's car-free Sundays have created a mindset of sustainable mobility that has perpetuated throughout the week. Photo by Carlos Alejandro Figeuroa/Flickr.
Beyond Move in Mexico City: Integrating sustainable mobility into the everyday
This year marks the seventh anniversary of the “Muévete en bici” (Bike Move) program in Mexico City. Every Sunday for the past seven years, the city has closed many of its streets to cars, and opened them up to pedestrians ...
Mexico City has created urban streetscapes around its Metrobús bus rapid transit (BRT) system that support safe bicycling and walking, connecting urban residents to mass transport. Photo by Alejandro Luna/Flickr.
People-oriented Cities: Designing walkable, bikeable neighborhoods
The “People-oriented Cities” series – exclusive to TheCityFix and Insights – is an exploration of how cities can grow to become more sustainable and livable through transit-oriented development (TOD). The nine-part series will address different urban design techniques and trends ...
Walking in Bangalore. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
In photos: Walking in Bangalore reveals the plight of pedestrians
Bangalore has rapidly become a megacity. At nearly 10 million people, the city has already doubled the size of its population in just 20 years. This explosive urban growth has been coupled with increased motorization, with now more than 50% ...
Riding a Bixi bike through Montreal, Canada. Photo by Roland/Flickr.
The bike-share report: The lessons of the Bixi system
Peter Midgley joins us as the author for the “Bike share report” series. We invited Peter to share his vast knowledge on bicycle sharing gained through his experience tracking the growth of bicycle sharing systems since 2007. Peter formerly worked ...
People walk around the Estacao Mercado, a central transport hub in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Photo by Eduardo Zarate/Flickr.
The Lotação lesson: Porto Alegre’s local transport solution
A sleek, air-conditioned vehicle picks you up at your front door. The seats recline for your comfort. You pull a shade across the window to block the sun’s glare while catching up on your favourite show, which you stream on ...
Bikers in the Forests of Palermo, Buenos Aires. Photo by Claudio Olivares Medina/Flickr.
Show off your skills – and your streets – with the ‘Open Streets’ Video Contest
Each Sunday streets across cities in the Americas are blocked off to all motorized vehicles. In the absence of cars from their normal ecosystems, new patterns of public interaction emerge in these public spaces. Instead of automobiles, people appear: runners, ...
Passengers enter the TransOeste BRT in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
On the move: The future of multimodal integration
This is the ninth post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Preparation of this series was possible thanks to a grant by Shell Corporation. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors. ...
Lessons in promoting bicycle use: The case of the Netherlands
Lessons in promoting bicycle use: The case of the Netherlands
Darío Hidalgo is EMBARQ’s Director for Research and Practice, with over twenty years of experience as a transport expert, consultant, and government official. Hidalgo is a Colombian native who grew up participating in Ciclovía in Bogotá, and a frequent contributor to TheCityFix. In 1998, ...
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