Posts tagged with 'India'
Rainy Ciclovía in Bogotá, Colombia. Photo by Claudio Olivares Medina/Flickr.
Memories of Ciclovía, dreams for Raahgiri Day
Darío Hidalgo is EMBARQ’s Director for Research and Practice, a transport expert, and Colombian native who grew up participating in Ciclovía in Bogotá. Today, Hidalgo shares his memories of Ciclovía and recent experience at Raahgiri Day in Gurgaon, India. Certain moments make me ...
Auto-rickshaw in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Photo by Kamakshi Sachidanandam/Flickr.
Reinventing Chennai’s auto-rickshaws
Chennai – the capital city of Tamil Nadu in southeastern India – recently implemented new fare regulations in its auto-rickshaw sector for the first time since 2007. In 2010, the Tamil Nadu government lifted a freeze on issuing permits, which ...
Raahgiri Day in Gurgaon, India
Raahgiri Day spotlights non-motorized mobility in India
This post follows up on TheCityFix’s article that announced the launch of Raahgiri Day last month. On a cold winter morning on November 17, 2013, over 10,000 residents of Gurgaon, India, poured onto the streets to celebrate their city. Raahgiri ...
Old Delhi auto-rickshaw. Photo by Larry Johnson.
Rickshaw Rising Challenge: Revolutionizing urban mobility in India
Do you have a business solution that has the potential to deliver large-scale improvements in quality of service, access, safety, environmental impact, and livelihoods in India’s auto-rickshaw sector? The Rickshaw Rising Challenge is calling for applications from Indian business endeavors that have ...
Cycle rickshaw driver in Gurgaon, India
Gurgaon launches India's first car-free Sunday
“High-quality public pedestrian space is evidence of a true democracy at work” – Enrique Penalosa, Former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia Starting on November 17, an entire street in Gurgaon, India will be transformed into a car-free zone every Sunday where ...
Road expansion in Bangalore
Less is more: BRT and metro avoid expansion of road infrastructure
In the realm of conducting transport economic and environmental assessments, the option of “doing nothing,” or “no project/investment,” is considered as the baseline for all projects. A baseline is a reference pathway against which the impact of a project is ...
Mumbai train station
Smart urban design for India’s sustainable future
Indore’s new Bus Rapid Transit system, the iBus, recently completed a successful run of a hundred days. This system is not just a first in the city, but also in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The iBus spans an 11.4-kilometer ...
Gandhi statue
Ahead of his time: Gandhi’s ideals on sustainable transport and urban planning
Yesterday, India celebrated the 144th birth anniversary of its greatest leader, Mahatma Gandhi, a visionary whose fundamental principles and vision are universally applicable – especially to sustainable transport. As an individual working in this field, I felt I must share ...
Launching the iBus: How public outreach led to transport success in Indore, India
This post originally appeared on WRI Insights. Indore, India—nicknamed “Mini Bombay”—is a booming city of two million people. The city’s rapidly growing population has created serious problems, including increased road congestion, travel delays, traffic accidents, and environmental degradation. Enter the “iBus.” Indore’s new Bus ...
A short history of the city
A short history of the city
You probably know that urban planning has been around for a long time, but did you know that many of our urban planning principles date back to Ancient Greece? Nearly every major city across the world can attribute their design, ...
Measures for successful Transit Oriented Development in India
Measures for successful Transit Oriented Development in India
Roads can be developed to favor both cars and non-motorized forms of transport. Photo courtesy of SGA Architects. The concept of transit-oriented development (TOD) as a planning tool is new to Indian cities, where quality mass rapid transit systems are ...
Q & A with Erin Cooper: Winner of the Fred Burggraf Award
Q & A with Erin Cooper: Winner of the Fred Burggraf Award
An international team led by Erin Cooper, Research Analyst for EMBARQ, won The Fred Burggraf Award for excellence in transportation research by researchers 35 years of age or younger. Photo by the World Resources Institute. What led you and your ...
How to handle Mumbai's busy streets
How to handle Mumbai's busy streets
A police force of 3,000 mans Mumbai’s busy streets. Some intersections require more than 5 policemen at a time. Photo by Calamur. Mumbai is an island with little room to grow. In the last four decades, only 900 km (560 ...
Seatbelts, GPS, and padded seats could help auto-rickshaws go the final mile
Seatbelts, GPS, and padded seats could help auto-rickshaws go the final mile
With a few changes, auto-rickshaws could become ideal transport for persons with disabilities trying to connect with public transit. Photo by Pinreader. Bus rapid transit (BRT) and other bus and rail modes are becoming increasingly accessible for seniors, passengers with ...
India's diesel consumption on the rise
Debunking India's diesel consumption mystery
Sudhir Gota, a 2013 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship recipient, reports on the Indian government’s misleading statistics on diesel consumption and CO2 emissions in transport. Photo by Sudhir Gota. India’s love for diesel in the transport sector is over! At least, ...
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