Posts tagged with 'minibus'
Building New Informal Bus Routes to Advance Transportation Equity
Building New Informal Bus Routes to Advance Transportation Equity
Do informal transport networks in African cities provide equitable services for everyone that needs them? Unsurprisingly, the answer is often no. Operators frequently prefer to drive the safest and most central routes, inadvertently prioritizing commuters traveling to formal jobs in ...
Ramping Up Use of Electric Vehicles Across Africa
Ramping Up Use of Electric Vehicles Across Africa
At COP28, global climate leaders congregated in Dubai for the annual opportunity to review countries’ progress on emissions reductions and to increase climate ambition. One of the conference’s focal points was how to rapidly and equitably transition away from fossil ...
No Safe Journeys for Women: Why Mobility Systems in African Cities Are Failing Women’s Needs
No Safe Journeys for Women: Why Mobility Systems in African Cities Are Failing Women’s Needs
For a woman living in an African city, public transport can be a daunting experience. Women usually plan their trips in advance, and consider a multitude of factors before setting out: What is the safest way to reach the bus ...
TheCityFix’s Top 10 Blogs From 2023 
TheCityFix’s Top 10 Blogs From 2023 
2023 was hot but ultimately hopeful. The past year saw record-breaking temperatures and an onslaught of extreme weather events like droughts, floods and heatwaves. Cities often bore the brunt of these conditions, exacerbated by the urban heat island effect: when ...
Picturing Sustainable and Just Urban Futures: Winners of the Transformative Urban Coalitions 2023 Photo Contest
Picturing Sustainable and Just Urban Futures: Winners of the Transformative Urban Coalitions 2023 Photo Contest
With over half of the world’s population living in cities, urban spaces not only house us but offer opportunities for collective work and learning while serving as sources of creativity, inspiration and hope. Nevertheless, cities also account for a staggering ...
Creating a 'Digital Commons' to Harness Data for Africa’s Urban Transport Systems 
Creating a ‘Digital Commons’ to Harness Data for Africa’s Urban Transport Systems 
In Africa, as elsewhere, advances in computing power, data storage, and sensor and satellite technologies have unleashed unprecedented opportunities but also challenges. The mobile phone has become a powerful tool for generating vast amounts of data. This data can, in ...
Clearing the Air: Why Low-Carbon Transportation is Critical for Cities 
Clearing the Air: Why Low-Carbon Transportation is Critical for Cities 
You start the day frustrated, your alarm clock ringing 30 minutes earlier than usual to try to beat the thousands of other morning commuters out the door. Battling bottlenecks has become your daily drill, from the side road shortcuts to ...
Electrifying South Africa’s Minibus Taxi Industry: A Data-Driven Approach
Electrifying South Africa’s Minibus Taxi Industry: A Data-Driven Approach
The minibus taxi (MBT) industry is the backbone of South Africa’s public transportation system with a fleet of approximately 250,000 vehicles, operated by thousands of providers, employing some 600,000 drivers. MBTs account for 80% of all journeys taken by taxi ...
What Does a Green City Look Like? Equitable, Connected and Nature-Positive.
What Does a Green City Look Like? Equitable, Connected and Nature-Positive.
There is no question that for the world to successfully slow and mitigate the effects of climate change, cities will need to transform. Currently, urban areas consume 78% of the world’s energy supply and produce over 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. By ...
Putting People First: 4 Cities Show How to Rethink Mobility
Putting People First: 4 Cities Show How to Rethink Mobility
For decades, urban transportation policy and practitioners have favored a model of analysis that prioritizes increasing the speed of vehicles and the time saved for people as a result. While this may make sense on an intuitive level, it is ...
Public Transport Challenges in Africa: Mapping and Transit Data as a Remedy
Public Transport Challenges in Africa: Mapping and Transit Data as a Remedy
Long queues for public transport have become common sights during peak hours all over Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Under the hot sun or the heavy rain, people anxiously wait for the next public transport to arrive. Frustrated and eager to reach ...
How Are New Informal Transit Routes Formed?
How Are New Informal Transit Routes Formed?
In 2015, the chairman of a Kampala administrative zone about 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the city’s downtown addressed a hand-written note to the chairman of a minibus taxi association. He humbly requested the group of drivers expand its services ...
4 Initiatives Working to Map and Improve Informal Transit in Africa
4 Initiatives Working to Map and Improve Informal Transit in Africa
The Digital Transport for Africa (DT4A) initiative, led by WRI and partners and funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), has selected four winners of the first-ever DT4A Innovation Challenge. From private companies to universities and NGOs, these initiatives are helping to shift ...
How Gender Impacts Transportation and Accessibility in Fort Portal, Uganda
How Gender Impacts Transportation and Accessibility in Fort Portal, Uganda
For men, women, and children, movement around and across Ugandan cities is dominated by minibuses, motorcycle taxis and walking. However, gender roles and differences in priorities and values mean women’s and men’s travel needs can differ widely. Recently, interviews conducted ...
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Multimodal public transport in Uganda is widespread but largely an informal affair. Kampala, like many African cities, relies on this informal system – comprised largely of taxis (14-seater minibuses) and boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) – to provide much-needed connectivity to ...
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